Monday, October 14, 2013

Mark Thompson Offers Advice to BBC

When you’re the head of a large corporation or other organization, you can bet that you’re going to have to deal with a lot of matters pertaining to financial services. Sometimes, you get so used to dealing with such matters that, even once you leave the organization, you still can’t stop chiming in with fiscal advice, as is the case with Mark Thompson, the former director general for the BBC.

Amid reports that the National Audit Office is requesting greater control of and access to the BBC’s financial information, Thompson spoke up. He voiced concern over the increased control and access over the organization and spoke to his belief that a “very strong and independent BBC” was the way to go.
Thompson’s opinion may matter to some, but he has little say in what the organization does these days. Thompson left the BBC—and some say should have left concerns over its financial services—last year. He served eight years with the organization and now works as the chief executive for the New York Times Company.

Regardless of what you think of Thompson’s advice, keep in mind that, if you’re a business owner, you do have to give some thought to who has financial access to your business. The friendly professionals at Platinum Financial Associates of Naperville can help you to make big financial decisions, so call on them for advice and support.
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