Thursday, November 7, 2013

Connecticut Town’s Financial Director Arrested

Towns, big and small, all across the United States appoint finance directors to oversee their general wealth management. Unfortunately, however, not all of these finance directors can be trusted, as is the case with Henry L. Centrella Jr. Centrella was the finance director for a small town in Connecticut called Winchester and is charged with embezzling $2.3 million from Winchester’s budget in order to support the Florida woman with whom he was having an affair.

Centrella was arrested in August and now faces five counts of larceny. The news came as a shock to the town, since Centrella had been working as the finance director since 1982. Obviously, Winchester should have been more careful about and more watchful of whom it hired to take over its wealth management department.

This story should be a lesson to all people to watch their finances closely and to be careful about whom they put in charge of their finances. For trustworthy financial advice in Naperville, know that you can always count on Platinum Financial Associates.
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