Friday, September 16, 2016

Fun Retirement Quotes

Retirement is a concept that has been around for a very long time, and it seems that everyone feels differently about it. Some people look at retirement as something to be looked forward to- a time of life where they can do what they want and just enjoy and  make the most of every second. Others look at retirement as something to dread, the sure mark of “getting old.” Whether you fall into the first category, the second, or somewhere in between, there are some awesome quotes on retirement from even more awesome people that you are sure to identify with...or that, at the very least...are bound to make you smile.    

Quotable Quote #1

Celebrated writer Ernest Hemingway is credited with penning this great quote: “Retirement is the ugliest word in the language.’”

Obviously, Hemingway fell into the “dreading retirement” category, but regardless of whether you agree with him or not, the quote is pretty funny. Remember, though, proper planning means you never have to dread retirement or think of it as an “ugly word.”

Quotable Quote #2

Another fun quote comes from Gene Perret, who said, “Retirement means no pressure, no stress, no heartache...unless you play golf.”

Whether you’re a golfer or not, at the heart of Perret’s quote is a wonderful truth about retirement-in this stage of life, you only have to stress over the things you WANT to stress about, and they can be FUN things. If that fact isn’t enough to bring a smile to your face, then nothing is!

Quotable Quote #3

Perhaps the very best quote of all comes from M.K. Soni, who said simply, “Retire from work, but not from life.”

There is so much truth, power, and beauty in those few simple words. No matter how you feel about retirement now, remember that it’s just the end to your working life...not to your life. You still have time to live, love, laugh, and most of all...enjoy.

To make sure you can get as much enjoyment as possible out of your retirement, start saving and planning for your future right now!

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