Friday, October 28, 2016

Saving for College Costs

Most parents hope that, one day, their children will go off to college, get a good education, and ultimately have success in life. A college education, however, costs money, which is why families are advised to start saving for college costs early on. And, while saving for college might seem like something only “rich” people are able to do, a recent study actually found that the vast majority- around 72% of families in the United States- of people with children do have some savings stashed
away for college. That means that, if you’re not yet saving for your child’s education, it’s time to start!

If you have children, no matter their age, and you haven’t started saving for their future educations, or if you haven’t saved as much as you would like, it’s time to sit down with a financial adviser. These professionals can take a look at your finances and help you to start saving for your child’s college career in a realistic, manageable way.

Even if you think you don’t have enough money to save for your child’s college fund, remember, every little bit you can stash away helps! Also, don’t fall into the trap of thinking that your child is “too young” and that you’ll worry about college costs “later.” More often than not, “later” turns into “too late,” and, before you know it, your child is ready to start college, and you’re scrambling to find a way to pay for it.

If your child is close to college age and you have some catching up to do, it is still worth seeing a financial adviser since they can provide you with some potential strategies to get funds quickly and send your son or daughter off to college.

Being a parent and paying or helping to pay for college isn’t easy, but it is possible, especially with some planning on your part and the help of a knowledgeable financial adviser.

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