Friday, December 9, 2016

Want to Graduate Debt Free....Consider

If you’re about to start college or have a child who is going to start college soon, you’ve probably already heard the horror stories about college debt and how it can ruin a person’s life and future for many years past graduation. While this can sometimes be true, it definitely doesn’t have to be, not if you choose a school that’s within your (or your child’s) budget and try to get other forms of help, outside of loans that have to be repaid, where you can.   

Saving for the future can also be a big help when it comes to graduating debt free or close to it. However, the school a person chooses can also go a long way toward determining how much debt a person has upon graduation. For the most part, private, small schools fare the worst in terms of debt-production for students, while public schools and community colleges are the best.

Some particular schools that are known for being easy on the finances, often due to financial aid options offered, low cost, or other factors, include:

l  College of the Ozarks
l  Yale University (surprisingly!)
l  Haverford College
l  Davidson College
l  Duke University
l  Wellesley College
l  Vanderbilt University
l  Stanford University

This is not to say, of course, that if you go to one of these schools you will absolutely graduate debt free, but these schools, with their good track records, might improve your chances! However, there is definitely no substitute for saving early, planning smart, and doing your best to pursue scholarships, grants, and other “free money” for college. With all of these practices put together, you can likely graduate without too much debt weighing you down, if any at all!

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